2021/11/18 - 「HeKKSaGOn発展プログラム“Five Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers”」の開催について【11月23日(火)】



 研究者のみなさまへ(English follows Japanese.)


 ◆◆◆ 開催概要 ◆◆◆

 【開催日時】2021年11月23日(火)17:30(日本時間)/ 9:30(中央ヨーロッパ時間)




  ■ 山本 暁久(第2期フェロ―)
  Quantification, control, and modeling of mechanical and dynamical alteration of
  cell and tissue towards detection and mechanistic understanding of disease

  ■ 本郷 峻 (第2期フェロ―)
  What research do we need to do to reconcile the conflicts between biodiversity
  conservation and food security in developing countries?

  ■ 田中 智大(第1期フェロー)/Carolin Klonner
  What engineering research is expected from society in this “full-of-informatics”
  (e.g. AI, Drone, ICT) era? Any research field in the similar situations?

  ■ 藤井 俊博(第1期フェロー)/Iryna Lypova/Markus Roth
  Clarifying the most energetic particles in the universe

  ■ 藤井 悠里(第2期フェロ―)/Georg Lars Hildenbrand
  How and where did life emerge? What did the first life looked like? Is it possible
  to have other form of life?

  HeKKSaGOn [ ヘキサゴン: 日独6大学アライアンス ] の枠組みにおいて醸成してきた日独大学間の良好な関係性から展開する新たな取り組みでもあります。




  京都大学 次世代研究創成ユニット
  Center for Enhancing Next-generation Research, Kyoto University
  TEL: +81-75-753-5916

================ English Message===============

 This forum supports next generation of researchers in forming special international and inter-generational connections early in their careers in the hope of creating foundations for them to excel. This is a new initiative that has spined-off from the friendly relationship between German and Japanese universities fostered through the HeKKSaGOn (The German-Japanese University Alliance) framework, which is now in its eleventh year.

 Researchers from Kyoto University, Heidelberg University, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology will gather to discuss five topics proposed by several fellows from L-INSIGHT, a community of early career researchers at Kyoto University.
 The fellows believe that these trans-disciplinary topics including research environments and ways of thinking in other spheres of research are important in discussing the development of their future research.

We cordially invite you to the discussions regarding the topics of your choice.
Please sign up now to find your new and future connections through this opportunity.

【Spin-off programme from HeKKSaGOn“Five Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers”】

 Quantification, control, and modeling of mechanical and dynamical alteration of cell and tissue towards detection and mechanistic understanding of disease

 What research do we need to do to reconcile the conflicts between biodiversity
conservation and food security in developing countries?

 TANAKA Tomohiro/Carolin Klonner
 What engineering research is expected from society in this “full-of-informatics”(e.g. AI, Drone, ICT) era? Any research field in the similar situations?

 FUJII Toshihiro/Iryna Lypova/Markus Roth
 Clarifying the most energetic particles in the universe

 FUJII Yuri I./Georg Lars Hildenbrand
 How and where did life emerge? What did the first life looked like? Is it possible to have other form of life?

 Date/ Time: 23 November (Tuesday) 2021, 17:30(JST) | 9:30(CET)
 Venue: Online(Zoom)
 Registration Form: https://forms.gle/iauSWDHzz1Kji5UL9
 Language: English

 See more details on our website: http://www.l-insight.rp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/event/1692/
