澤崎 達也
Director of PROS: Tatsuya Sawasaki
A PROS Seminar organized by the Division of Malaria Research will be held as follows;
【日 時】 令和6年2月6日(火)13:30~14:30
【Date & Time】 Tuesday February 6th, 2024, 13:30~14:30
【場 所】 プロテオサイエンスセンター 城北ステーション 4階 会議室
【Place】 Conference Room, 4th floor of the Proteo-science Centre Building
(Johoku Campus)
【講演者(Speaker)】 James B Wing 先生
Laboratory of Human Single Cell Immunology, IFReC, Osaka University
Human Single Cell Immunology Team, CiDER, Osaka University
Center for Advanced Modalities and DDS (CAMaD), Osaka University
【演題(Lecture title)】 Using mass cytometry to track human infectious disease and vaccine responses.
No advance registration is required. Please come directly to the conference room.
We look forward to your participation.