2018/09/27 - 第23回LaMer特別講演会のお知らせ【10月9日(火)】


                                  拠点長  岩田 久人



 日時: 2018年10月9日(火) 10:00~
 場所: 理学部 総合研究棟1. 4階会議室
 内容: Modelling the effect of atmospheric deposition on phytoplankton growth during the on-board incubation experiments conducted in South China Sea
 講師: Huiwang Gao
(State Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China Laboratory for Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao, China)  要約:In situ incubation experiment is a popular method in the study of impact of atmospheric deposition on marine ecosystem. However, it cannot be easily used to reveal the processes in the experiment. In this study, we conducted onboard incubation experiments at three stations in the South China Sea (SCS), with addition of multiple dissolved inorganic nutrients, Asian dust and rainwater. In addition, we used a nutrient-phytoplankton-detritus biogeochemical box model (NPD model) to simulate the nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the onboard incubation experiments. The NPD model is able to reproduce the chlorophyll and nutrient variations for most of the incubation experiments. An interesting feature in some of the incubation experiments is an nsufficient reduction in dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) along with increasing of Chl.a, which suggests a possible utilization of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in this oligotrophic low-oductivity sea area. For cat ching this process, we propose a DOP utilization scheme for the NPD model, which significantly improves the simulation ability of the model. This study provides a reference for the parameterization of dissolved organic nutrient utilization in the future biogeochemical cycle modelling.



(Leading Academia in Marine and Environment Pollution Research)
 Email: lamer@stu.ehime-u.ac.jp
