2019/10/21 - 第32回LaMer特別講演会開催のお知らせ【11月11日(月)】


                              拠点長  岩田 久人


 32nd LaMer Special Seminar is going to be held on November 11, 2019.
 We look forward to your attendance.


 【日 時】2019年11月11日(月) 14時~15時
      November 11, 2019

 【場 所】愛媛大学理学部 総合研究棟1. 6階 愛媛大学理学部会議室(674)
      Meeting room #674, Science Research Bldg 1

 【演 題】Environmental Occurrence of Toxic Pollutants in Fish from Eastern
      Indian Ocean of Southern Java Waters: Trece Elements, Persistent
      Organic Pollutants and Radionuclides

 【講 師】Dr. Agus Sudaryanto
      Laboratory for Marine Survey Technology
      Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT),Indonesia

 【要 約】
  Oceans and coastal regions worldwide, including Indian Ocean are coming under
 increasing environmental pressures, one of which are from land-based and marine
 pollution. Within the countries of Indian Ocean rim, maintaining the integrity
 of the regional environment is one of the most important common interests.
 Monitoring and managing the environmental impacts of human activity on the ocean
 is essential to the maintenance of the living resources of the ocean. In this
 context, the knowledge of levels and patterns of contaminants is necessary to
 understand the risk for organisms, including humans, and it is very important
 for evaluating the global environmental health. However, there is still data gap
 on toxic pollution within the region of Indian Ocean. In particular, there is no
 data available on the occurrence of toxic pollutants in eastern Indian Ocean
 within Indonesian boundary. This presentation will overview current data on the
 occurrence of toxic pollutants in fish from Eastern Indian Ocean of Southern Java
 Waters, Indonesia with special reference to trace elements, persistent organic
 pollutants and radionuclides.

 ※Language: English
 ※No advanced registration, no fee for attending.


 Please feel free to contact us if any.

(Leading Academia in Marine and Environment Pollution Research)
 Email: lamer@stu.ehime-u.ac.jp

